This is just a quick note for those of you who may not be familiar with the Valentine's Day tradition in Mexico.
Yes, as in much of the world, Valentine's Day is a recognized occasion in Mexico. In Mexico, however, the day is called Día del Amor y la Amistad, or Day of Love and Friendship. On February 14th, Mexicans celebrate not only romantic love, but the love of their friends and family as well. Inclusivity - the more the merrier - is such a beautiful component of the Mexican culture, so of course Mexico would broaden the embrace of this day!
Mexico loves an excuse for a celebration - and Día del Amor y la Amistad provides a pretty great excuse! Flowers and candies and big displays of balloons are the colorful decorations for Día del Amor y la Amistad - colorful decorations being a crucial component of any good Mexican celebration.
So enjoy the day wherever you are, and big love to you and your friends and families!
I love this and plan to adjust my american attitude to this day to include my precious friendships as well!
Oh yes, friendship and love this day. And actually, other days too, but this one is special. We're heading into town soon for flowers, dinner, maybe balloons too!