That would be fun to see a press conference with cats walking all around! Especially since they tend to be so good at walking in front of screens, in across keyboards and such 🤣

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Here's a short fun clip of an interrupted press conference :)


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Nice Victor - thanks!

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Thank you Victor! Very fun to watch :-)

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You get what you wish for (care of Victor D. Sandiego) 😉

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What a fun read Mike! Those cats are really lucky, and lively. Cats are so weird, so curious. I can just see them winding their way around his legs while he's talking. Also interesting to know more about the Moreno party, and what will come. Thanks!

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Thanks Jeanine - I needed this palette cleanser after last week's article 😉

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Wonderful article, depicting some aspect of the Mexican history, politics and national mentality 😊

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Indeed, Emily. I love doing articles like this!

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Thanks for the update, Mike. I'm glad the cats will be taken care of. Good times for all... :)

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Thanks, Victor. Now I would like to see some stray dogs take up residence in the Palacio Nacional...

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A very touching story! Thank you, Mike. I especially appreciate learning, "they have ensured that all of the permanent residents get spayed or neutered, vaccinated, and microchipped by veterinarians from Mexico City’s Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México ".

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Agreed, Elva - good to know that the Palacio Nacional staff are being such great cat stewards!

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Good article. Where does AMLO go from here? Any way he can get back in power legitimately?

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Under the current constitution, a president is restricted to a singe 6-year term, without any possibility of ever running or holding that office again (same for state governors in Mexico). So no, there is no legitimate way he can become president again. That said, he is the de-facto leader of the Morena party, and even though he has promised to recuse himself from politics after his term is over, many believe that he will continue pulling the strings of the Morena party. He enjoys immense popularity in Mexico, and that kind of mandate may prove difficult to give up once his term is over.

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Thank you Mike. I certainly hope that he won’t succumb to the siren call of power and cause a constitutional crisis. It will be interesting to watch, please keep us posted~!

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I think it would be more likely that he would control things behind the scenes, but you never know with politicians these days! I will certainly keep you all posted. Thanks, David!

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I'm glad that our feral felines have continuity of care! We feed our feral neighborhood cats, too, though we don't get reimbursed by VAT. I very much enjoy these details and bits and pieces of sharing some humane aspects of life in Mexico

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Maybe when you become president of Puerto Rico, you can get some VAT help 😉. Thanks Michelle, I like writing pieces about the humane aspects of life in Mexico 😊

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I do find the fact that these are cats to be strange. Feral felines are far less common than in the streets of, say Istanbul. Still, I like you, will be paying my IVA with a bit less sadness

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Perhaps they are simply pretending to be feral in the hopes of getting a free meal. Cats are sneaky 😆

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