Let me get the "Thanks!" for the update to the update out of the way, respectfully.

I just resold my tickets to the local fair. Today, you just gave me the roller coaster ride I needed to produce endorphins.

"Or maybe I just can't come up with other topics. You be the judge." made me truly laugh out loud. Truly. That is why I am not writing "LOL" Hey! When the muse decides to take a vacation...well ... do as Mike does...ride on the coat tails of the political pundits! Adaptation or emergence?

Slightly more seriously, this is a story to follow. The proverbial 'butterfly effect' comes to mind: a woman might run for president in Mexico and that could ...WILL create a movement around the world.

Notice I wrote "run". (not win). On the one hand, AMLO must know something to 'risk' (forgive me folks) encouraging a woman to the post. On the other hand, I have so much patriarchy still living in my bone marrow to entertain Mexican citizens voting for a woman. I am open to feedback and even enlightment.

"I am breathing. Really I am. In with the good air, out with the bad." Following your philosophical example....I am breathing, too.

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Yes, I am not too proud to "ride on the coat tails of the political pundits" 😃. Sra. Sheinbaum is not a shoe-in, but I am keeping my fingers crossed that she can bring a much needed different energy from the traditional male-dominated political scene.

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Her daughter goes to school in my town, for a PhD in philosophy. I’d love to hear her take on things…

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Invite her over for dinner and quiz her!

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And hopefully, as crazy as that edict sounds, it means that AMLO really wants her to be accepted as the presidential nominee, so he’s trying to set her up to look like she rose on equal terms, so there would be less

backlash against her. One can only hope…

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Agreed, I hope this is the case

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Well, I suppose there's a good side to Sheinbuam's resignation in that she can focus all her time and energy into becoming the next president. As I mentioned in another post, I hope she succeeds.

Something else I learned recently is that the governor of Nuevo Leon resigned his position to run for president during the last election, leaving a designated replacement. When he didn't win, he returned to his governorship. Interesting.

"Nor do I hang out outside the Palacio Nacional..."

Darn. Was hoping you'd put in a good word next time you're at a state dinner...

Thanks Mike!!

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Thanks Victor, I hope she succeeds too. As far as state dinners go, I keep having to decline because I don't own a suit...

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Gee! If you substitute "Republican" for Morena you might have a match for the US politics. So Sad!

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