Cool article. Hace you been to any of the half dozen legal weed smoking points in mexico city. They've become really cool points of counter culture and individual expression. I wrote about them in my blog https://traceyparkertravel.com/marijuana-in-mexico-city/

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Thanks Tracey. I have not been to any of the legal weed joints in CDMX. I do imbibe, but typically not in public or semi-public spaces. I've read some of your Substack, but I hadn't seen that article you linked. I just read it - great piece. I especially like you advice for what to do if the police come sniffing around - "Do not speak Spanish to them, no matter how fluent you are. This creates a barrier that is very hard for them to overcome. Politely continue walking without paying them attention. Walk toward crowds." - that is really great advice. I enjoy reading about your experiences in Mexico City - you are a great story teller, and you cover aspects of life in Mexico that is not well covered in general. Kudos to you for taking the time to tell these stories, and for telling them so well.

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