Sep 16, 2023Liked by Mike Leavy

Yes Mexico seems to be going in a very different direction than the US. I think abortions are complex, but I believe if women are given the right to choose, they would generally do the "right thing" meaning not do late term abortions or use it as birth control, etc. I believe if we give women those rights, they would be more likely to step up and really consider the life of the child. It is such a complex issue when you get into all the corner cases and so interesting to see them just give carte blanc rights to women and assume best intent.

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If there’s one thing I can’t stand, it’s self righteous hypocrites who aren’t satisfied with thrusting their medieval version of what they call superior morality on others. They must also look for ways to ensure that you aren’t able to move freely to avoid their authoritarian tendencies. Next thing you know, they’ll want to ban women from taking up residence in another state because they might be doing it to avoid lawmaker’s overweening desire to punish everyone who doesn’t think like them.

Excuse the rant, but the United States is going down the toilet as irrational zealots drool themselves drenched dreaming up schemes to keep other people down.

You can be against the idea of abortion. You can practice that belief, preach it, encourage others to adopt your belief also. But the problem is the dogmatic extremists can’t persuade in sufficient numbers in this manner so they need to enshrine their personal beliefs into law. The fact that they need to use the law in this way shows how weak their moral position really is.

The decision for abortion is for women, and those close, such as family, clergy, doctor, etc. Not for evangelic fanatics who aren’t satisfied unless they can slam the pickax of the law into other people’s throats.

Great article Mike, thanks. And I’m glad Mexico is moving in the right direction. We now return to our regular programming.

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Mike Leavy

During the pandemic, Mexico was one of the worlds only safe havens for people who wouldn’t relinquish their medical autonomy to the state. Even though I personally feel that abortion is abhorrent in most cases, I still see it as an absolutely critical right for women and am proud that Mexico has taken this step for safe access and strengthened their commitment to medical self sovereignty.

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Sep 28, 2023Liked by Mike Leavy

That's fantastic news! I sometimes get a bit sad with the directions that the US is going and I am thrilled to hear of the directions Mexico is going!

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