Mike, good to see you back and hope life didn't come at you *too* hard.

Good news from Mexico Listo HQ. The economy here is getting a needed and deserved boost. And yes, some improvements in the electrical and water infrastructures are needed. We have fairly regular outages here, but not complaining. It's not that bad, and I do have a UPS connected to my computer so I don't get cut off in the middle of something. Thanks for the update!!

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Thanks Victor. Good idea about the UPS - I need to get one of th

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It makes so much more sense to me for Mexico to be the biggest trade partner for the US and I didn't have any idea that it was, or even close to it. I enjoy the knowledge that you share and the humor with which you share it!

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Thank you Michelle. I enjoy the comments that you share and the little hearts that you sprinkle around 😃

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Very cool! I had no idea. Time to get more money over into pesos ASAP. 😆

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Run - don't walk - to your nearest money changer!

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I echo the accolades and the concern for you that others have expressed. And, I am wow'ed by all the information you presented to us. I had heard pieces but not seen the entire tapestry woven by you. As I might have mentioned, I live in Laredo Texas where some claim it is the USA's largest land port. My family has been in custom brokering for generations. Lots of money and goods are moved through this city and I ponder often why little money trickles down to its citizens. For starters, I'd like to see a robust program neutering and spaying animals. (And, let me stop there) I hope you circle back with more on these developments. Thanks, Mike, for entertaining us, shockingly so sometimes.

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Thanks for the encouraging words, Elva. I hope that I can continue to entertain and shock you 😉

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